Rosette is a skincare brand with a long history, known for its products that address skin concerns. Their popular facial cleansing pasta series uses natural mud to gently remove dirt while protecting moisture.


Rosette is a brand with a long history, providing skincare products while continuously dealing with customers' skin concerns. Products are loved by many fans in Japan for its skin-friendly approach and its pursuit of solving customers' skin problems.

One of the brand's most popular products is the Facial Cleansing Pasta series. Contained mineral-rich natural mud and designed to protect skin moisture while removing dirt from the skin. Each product is ideal for daily cleansing, with choices to suit different skin concerns such as excess sebum, roughness, and dullness.

The appeal of Rosette is its high quality and ease of use. It offers skincare items that minimize the burden on the skin while providing reliable results.

TODOKU Japan offers a wide range of popular products from this excellent skincare brand from Japan, Rosette, to customers around the world. We recommend this brand to those who seek high-quality, yet gentle skincare products that meet their skin concerns.


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Rosette Ritica Hand & Body Cream - 120g - TODOKU Japan - Japanese Beauty Skin Care and Cosmetics